Sunday, May 6, 2007


Bah humbug. Boyfriend and I just had a fight. Sort of.

Time for another round of back history:

Boyfriend's family hates me. Point blank. There's no sugar coating it with them, and in return, I often express my dislike of them to Boyfriend. Earlier in our relationship, I noticed that Boyfriend didn't have any pictures of me on his Myspace page. I mean none. I swear, if you took the time to read his page then all the way at the bottom you'd see the small text that says "In a relationship". But who does that anymore? And the question is why wouldn't he have any pics? Answer: His little sister. When I was first added as a friend, I was his #1 friend. Apparently this caused a ruckus in his household as his sister demanded that she become his #1. How juvenile, right? No prob, he changes us around. All I asked was that he add pictures. But he refused to do so. His excuse was, "Well, babe, we don't have any good pictures together." Uh-huh.

After our last spring break, we took tons of pictures. I made sure of it. I had a point to prove. And guess what? Even after loading all of these pictures on his Facebook account (yeah, we're on both) he still didn't add any of us on Myspace. It's like he's fucking scared of his little sister! I continued to mention it, and he continued to blow it off. The kicker is that I have tons of pictures of him on both Facebook and Myspace. There is no doubt we're dating. And on top of all of this, he's going through this hanging up phase, where if he doesn't like something I'm saying, he'll just click! Bastard.

Back to the present:

Tonight we were on the phone and I said:

"Boyfriend, why don't you put a picture of us up on Facebook?"


"Because everyone has a picture of the significant other."

{sigh} "Okay, I'll put one up."

Readers, I pounced all over his ass.

"So, wait a minute, you'll put one up on Facebook but you won't put any pictures of me up on Myspace? What, are you scared of your sister?"

{silence} "No....."

"Boyfriend, this is what I'm going to do." (Readers, now I'm calm, with a smile in my voice) "I'm going to remove all the pictures of us from Myspace so you won't have to worry about it."

{silence again}


"Yeah, I see you're in a pissy mood."

"No, I'm not." We change the subject and start talking about something else. It's clear he doesn't me seriously (again). A little later on, he asks, "What are you doing?"

I'm humming. "Oh, I'm just deleting those pictures like I said I would."

"Why?!" he yells.

"Because, I told you that if you can't have any pic--"

Readers, I didn't get a chance to finish because he hung up. You know what? That was 3 hours ago, and I haven't called him back. I'm sick of him. He can call me if he when he grows the hell up.



P.S--Finals suck.


Beatrix Kiddo said...

Awww. It always makes me a bit sad when nice couples get into a fight. Because from what you've said before, you're normally happy and supportive of one another. I think you handled the situation appropriately (What's good for the goose...). As long as you keep those pictures stored on your computer, because I'm sure you will want them later.

PS. Isn't it weird how much the whole world of dating has changed with the Internet involved?? This would never have happened 15 years ago.

ellagood said...

not to plug my OWN shit here, but, well, i guess i am....