Thursday, May 24, 2007

Summer Days...

I've been a horrible blogger. You can each issue me 10 lashes at your convenience, I will bend over and not complain! Truth is, I've been extremely busy for the last two weeks (I know, I know, no excuse) and then, SICK!! But, alas, after two days of being heavily drugged, having x-rays taken and multiple visits to the doctor, I'm well enough to type.


1) I finished school and now I'm back at home where the cows roam. There's nothing worse than busy other than being bored. Everything shuts down at 9 pm, and the alcohol well here is very, very, dry. Sigh.

2) Boyfriend has finally taken strides to getting a job! After he realized that a) I was dead serious about not coming to see him until he bought my ticket (which meant that he would actually have to have money) and b) figured out that summer school with no friends and little family would be boring, he buckled down and pulled a job at a drugstore. So, now we're waiting for him to actually work and get paid. But, his dragon sister is graduating from high school this weekend, and he'll be in town for a few days. I'll let you know how that goes (trust me, I'm sure his parents will put up a fight when he tries to duck out and see me, and that always leads to drama!).

3) On a lighter note, my now ex-roommate PG has gotten fat! I know, that's mean, but you must understand how superficial these girls are. They're the type you see in the local cafeteria eyeballing everyone else walking by with a plate as they suck down ice water and munch on a baby plate of lettuce. So, imagine my amusement as I watched PG's ass spread like butter over the last couple of weeks during the semester! Ah well, that's what smoking, booze binging, lack of exercise, and being a total bitch will do to you!

4) As far as my makeover journey goes....well, let's just say I modified it a bit. Yes, I'm still trying to be conscious of my personal appearance ( I actually try to match now) and I've taken to putting on make up more often (partly because I'm job hunting and I don't want to scare anyone with my hair....I'm hoping the makeup with make up for any culture shocks anyone has when they see my afro or twists or puffs). But I refuse to give up any of my old t-shirts (okay, I threw away a couple...), some of my baggy jeans, etc. If someone has a problem with it, they can kiss my ass!


No need to draw this entry out, just wanted to let you know I'm still here, so


1 comment:

Beatrix Kiddo said...

Yay! You're back! You've been missed FYI. You are so lucky Boyfriend is footing the bill for you to go out and see him, that can be expensive. Good luck with the job hunt, maybe you can get a gig where you sit aroundon the computer all day and blog!