Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Old School

What ever happened to good clean fun? Hmmm? I like to drink, not too big on pot, love going to the movies (kinda goes with the whole filmmaker thing), and just kicking it. But why can't that be done in a responsible manner? I never understood drinking and driving, for instance. If you know you're going to a party, and you're going to be drinking, don't drive. That's simple. I've been in way too many major accidents in my life to support the habit.

I guess I'm venting. I'm here in stupid cow land and there's nothing to do but get high or get drunk. Plus, I'm broke. I don't get a paycheck for another two weeks. Gas is high, so I can't toot around town on $20 anymore. I hate to sound like I'm in junior high, but I have no life. And the few friends that I do have here (wait...let me count....I think....2? Maybe?) are either too busy with work, boyfriends, etc. or they drink and drive. Neither sound too promising.

Whenever my mother and I fight, she'll always throw in the factor of me not having any real friends. "What's wrong with you?" she'll ask.

But we know the answer: I'm too fucking mature and responsible for the peeps my age. I've always been, since I was old enough to be old enough. I'm way too practical for my own good, which is more of a hindrance than a blessing at this point of my life.

So, I can analyze and re-analyze my situation all I want, or I can go and create a crowd for myself. Which I'm not too good at doing. The truth is, how in the hell do you find friends these days in my stats? What, hang out with an older crowd? Sounds lovely, but I'm 20, so bars won't accept me, and I'm in an area that 99.999999% white, so finding a fake I.D. is out of the question. Ugh. It's past 2 in the afternoon and I'm about to go back to sleep.


P.S-- I had my first Anon today. This must mean I'm coming up in the world.


Beatrix Kiddo said...

Okay, I got a job where I am the youngest, so we basically hang out at each others apartments. Are any of the people you work with closer to your age?

Alisha said...

Ha! Yep, unfortunately we all still live with our parents! Don't worry, I'll be sunny side up come tomorrow!

ellagood said...

PLEASE don't find meth.

you sound like you are:

A. that bored
B. in the middle of nowhere